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Here are my publications:


Karagöl A, Karagöl T. Self-Association Among Soluble Splice Isoforms of Glutamate Transporters Uncovered by Integrative Multi-Omics and Molecular Dynamics (in prep)


Karagöl A, Karagöl T. Evolutionary Asymmetry in Membrane Protein Residues: Large-Scale Structural Analysis and Complete Mutational Landscape of 1022 known RCSB Entries (To be submitted in Sept 2024)


Karagöl A, Karagöl T. Kernel Regression and Stochastic Dominance Analysis Unveil Asymetric Residue-wise Evolutionary Dynamics of Coagulation Factors F9 and F8 (To be submitted in Nov 2024)


Johnsson F., Karagöl A, Karagöl T. Zhang S. (2024). Structural bioinformatics studies of olfactory receptors, TAAR9and their AlphaFold3 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and odorant binding. QRB Discovery (Submitted)


Akash S., Karagöl A, Karagöl T., Zhang S. Structural bioinformatics of bacterial integral alpha-helical membrane enzymes and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants. Molecular Simulation (To be submitted in Sept 2024)


Karagöl A., Karagöl T., Zhang S. (2024). Structural bioinformatics and evolutionary studies of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 family members, synaptophysin, synaptogyrins, and their AlphaFold3 predicted water-soluble QTY variants. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design (Submitted)


Karagöl A., Karagöl T. Adaptation to Solvent Environment in Toll-like Receptor 5: A Comparative Evolutionary Analysis of Membrane-bound and Soluble Forms in Epinephelus coioides. Journal of Molecular Evolution (Submitted)


Karagöl A., Karagöl T. (2024) Multi-level Comparative Genomic Analysis Reveals Evolutionary Influence of Truncated Isoforms in Glutamate Transporter Genes Human Genetics (Submitted)


Karagol, A., & Karagol, T. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:


Karagöl A., Karagöl T., Zhang S. (2024) Molecular Dynamic simulations reveal that water-soluble QTY-variants of glutamate transporters EAA1-3 retain the conformational characteristics of native transporters. Pharmaceutical Research (Under Review)


Karagöl A., Karagöl T., Li M., Zhang S. (2024) Inhibitory effects of the truncated isoforms on glutamate transporter oligomerization revealed by the analysis of gene-centric isoform maps. Pharmaceutical Research (Submitted)


Karagöl T, Karagöl A. Zhang S. (2024) Structural bioinformatics studies of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine transporters and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and uncovering the natural mutations of L->Q, I->T, F->Y and Q->L, T->I and Y->F. PLOS ONE 

PMCID: PMC10959339


Karagöl et. al. (2023) A genomic and structural analysis provides enhanced insights into molecular mechanisms of hemophilia B. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. (Under review, Aug 2023)


Perkisn S.J, Karagöl T., Karagöl A., (2023) Spencer H. Factor IX Variant Database: Genetic variants in the human coagulation factor 9 as a service for clinicians and biochemists. © Copyright 2003-2023, Structural Immunology Group, University College London (2003- 2023)


Alper Karagöl, Taner Karagöl, Eva Smorodina, & Shuguang Zhang. (2022) Structural bioinformatics studies of glutamate transporters and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and uncovering the natural mutations of L->Q, V->T, F->Y and vice versa. PLOS ONE.

PMCID: PMC11006163


Çetin A., Acar A.C., Karagöl H.A., Gülseren I., Koç M., Ergin O.S., Gürsoy Y.K. (2020). Çıkar Çatışması Kılavuzu [Conflict of Interest Guideline], European Medical Student Association Turkey.

Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2023].


Karagöl, H.A. and Karagöl, M.T. (2018). Multipl sklerozun olası tedavisi için in silico makromolekül dizaynı ve hesaplamalı analizi. [In silico macromolecule design and computational analysis for possible treatment of multiple sclerosis.], [online] Google Science Fair. Available at:

Publications on Congresses, 
Symposium Proceedings Books, and Scientific Events


Karagöl Alper, Karagöl Taner, Shuguang Zhang (2024). Comparative genomic analysis of glutamate transporters reveals the evolutionary landscape and splicing plasticity of truncated isoforms. Poster accepted at the 2024 KSBNS Annual Meeting co-organized by Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences and the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry. Gyeongju, South Korea.


Karagöl Taner, Karagöl Alper, Mengke Li, Shuguang Zhang (2024). Inhibitory effects of the truncated isoforms on glutamate transporter oligomerization revealed by the analysis of gene-centric isoform maps. Poster accepted at the 2024 KSBNS Annual Meeting co-organized by Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences and the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry. Gyeongju, South Korea.


Karagöl Alper, Karagöl Taner, Smorodina Eva, Shuguang Zhang (2024, 1-3 March). Structural studies of glutamate transporters and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and uncovering the natural QTY-code mutations. Poster presented at the XXI. International IUGEN Winter School on Molecular biology and Genetics- Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey


Taner Karagöl, Alper Karagöl, Shuguang Zhang (2024, April). Evolutionary and structural comparison of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine transporters and their water-soluble QTY variants. Oral Presentation at the 28th International Medical Sciences Student Congress (IMSSC) -Istanbul University, Istanbul Turkey


Karagöl Alper, Karagöl Taner, Smorodina Eva, Shuguang Zhang (2023). Structural bioinformatics studies of glutamate transporters and their AlphaFold2 predicted water-soluble QTY variants and uncovering the natural mutations of L->Q, I->T, F->Y and Q->L, T->I and Y->F. Poster presented at the fifth International Conference on Proteins and Peptides, Structure, Function, and Biotechnology, co-organized by Menicon, MIT, and the University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland


Karagöl, H.A. and Karagöl, M.T. (2018).In silico macromolecule design and computational analysis for possible treatment of multiple sclerosis [Multipl sklerozun olası tedavisi için in silico makromolekül dizaynı ve hesaplamalı analizi]. Attended to Google Science Fair 2018-2019


Karagöl, H.A. and Karagöl, M.T. (2017). In silico macromolecule design and competition analysis for treatment of multiple sclerosis [Multiple Skleroz Hastalığının Olası Tedavisi için in silico Makromolekül Dizaynı ve Hesaplamalı Analizi]. Presentation to BAYER - Turkey Science Projects competition


Karagöl, H.A. and Karagöl, M.T. (2017). Multiple Skleroz Hastalığının Araştırılmasında Moleküler Modellemenin Kullanımı [Utilization of molecular modeling in Multiple Sclerosis research], 49th TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Research Projects competition.


Educational Presentations on Endocrinology and Open Science (2020-2024), Istanbul University Student Scientific Research Club.

Softwares and Projects


KernelNodes (2024, in prep)

A web-based program to identify evolutionary node networks of proteins, for causal mutational pathways and functional domain screening.


Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit (2024) - live

An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:


Phyton - BASIC scripts for analyzing QTY-variants to increase solubility. (2023-2024)


Pymol scripts for variation analysis (2023-2024)


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