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White Structure

Evolutionary statistics toolkit

*This is a old version of the website. Web toolkit version 1.0.1. Click a tool to proceed:

Site frequency spectrum (SFS)

Tajima's D analysis

If you find this tool useful, you can cite:

  • Karagol, A., & Karagol, T. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:

  • Tajima, F. (1989). Statistical method for testing the neutral   mutation hypothesis by DNA polymorphism. Genetics 123:585-595.


Shannon's Entrophy (H)

If you find this tool useful, you can cite:

  • Karagol, A., & Karagol, T. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:

  • ​Shannon, C.E. (1948) A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 379-423.

mavi çiçekler

Alignment processor for pairwise variation analysis

If you find this tool useful, you can cite:

Karagol, A., & Karagol, T. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:


Wave function

If you find this tool useful, you can cite:

Karagol, A., & Karagol, T. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:

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Pair frequencies

This tool utilizes array format for the calculation.

Example format:

download example file here

To convert your Clustal Alignment to array format:

Aln-Matrix tool

If you find this tool useful, you can cite:

Karagol, A., & Karagol, T. (2024). An Evolutionary Statistics Toolkit for Simplified Sequence Analysis on Web with Client-Side Processing. bioRxiv, 2024-08. doi:


Thank you for visiting this site. The toolkit is freely available for academic and non-commercial use. 

Please contact for commercial usage.

visits since Jul 29 2024.

All rights reserved @AlperKaragol, @Taner karagöl


*Google Colab notebooks and open source codes are available at:

Site frequency spectrum (SFS) & Tajima's D analysis:

Shannon's Entrophy (H) Calculation:

Alignment processor for pairwise variation analysis:

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